BCA Officers Election 2020

According to the Baldwin Civic Association bylaws, the organization's officers are elected every two years. Each officer can serve a maximum of two terms in an office. After the two terms, the officer must turn over the position to another person. (The outgoing officer can stand for election to another position on the board.)

At the October meeting in an election year, the Nominating Committee presents a slate of candidates. The 2020 slate is as follows: 

  • President: Darien Ward
  • Vice President: Kimberly Malone
  • Treasurer: Steven Greenfield
  • Recording Secretary: Marguerite Grasing Keller
  • Corresponding Secretary: Samantha Cools

At the November meeting, nominations for any of the officer positions can be made from the floor. All nominees must be members in good standing of the Baldwin Civic Association; i.e., they must have paid their dues for the year of the election. Candidates cannot nominate themselves; each one must be nominated by another member in good standing. The nominated person must accept the nomination, and no second is needed.

When the nominations from the floor are closed, each candidate is allowed to make a statement of up to two-and-a-half minutes in length, starting with candidates for Corresponding Secretary and continuing on through candidates for President.

After the candidates’ statements are completed, all current members in good standing may vote to choose the officers. In a normal year, we would vote in the meeting, but this year we will be emailing ballots to all members in good standing directly after the November meeting. The ballots will list the names of all candidates for each executive position. Members will have 48 hours to return their ballots so that they can be counted and the new executive officers can be chosen!

New officers will be inaugurated at the January 2021 meeting.


The Nominating Committee